However, during this whole process of getting this system up and finally running in my home, I do believe that my bubble has been burst about high end audio in general, ARC equipment in particular, the industry as a whole, and the madness or insanity if you like, about how much is spent on achieving ultimate sound quality.
I think if I was starting over and hadn't been so tied to ARC coming from my past, I would have bought PrimaLuna instead for several reasons already spoken about in this thread. Considering their build quality and price, I sure I would have been more than happy if them. I think I will try them sometime in the future and compare them to ARC. I am willing to bet I may prefer them. When it comes to high end audio, I do believe we come with a set of biases that influence us in our purchasing decisions. Such as, if it cost more, it must sound better. If it is made in USA, it is better. If it says a certain name on it, It is better. All of this then lends itself to bragging rights when describing our system to others. And thus, this gets passed on from one person to another.
And finally, when you consider all the variables that exist when comparing equipment, how can you really be sure that something really sounds better or it just sounds different. You could spend all day listing those many variables that come into play when comparing equipment and when you take that into account, I think that is where the insanity of it all comes into place. People in this hobby will spend 5x the amount to achieve a perceived improvement in sound quality that may or may not really be there. And if it is, can it be heard by the person making the investment due to all the variables that exist.
I am sure that this has been discussed many times before and will again. When you think about it, this could be one of the main reasons that drive the hobby and industry which is the pursuit of the holy grail of high end audio. Hearing live music with all its nuances in your home from recorded music played on audio equipment.