What are the more subtle sounding tube preamps?

I mean "subtle" as in relatively less tube saturation or color than your average tube-pre. Common sense tells me less tubes as in a single dual-triode, but in reality that may not be the case. I currently have my eye on a CJ Classic. Not sure if that will fit the bill.  Any suggestions welcome.
With the Cary suggestion you'll get rollable sound depending oh the 6 x6sn7s you chose.  The circuit will not defeat your efforts like an ARC will.  Atmasphere is also making a simple 6SN7 pre, He would work with you on sound.
Agree on the Herron VTSP-3a. I've owned two Modwright pres--the LS36.5 is much more neutral sounding than the LS100 which has more tube bloom and warmth. I had several ARC pres as well, of those the LS26 was the least tubey of the bunch. All said and done if you want a pre that really gets at the best of what tubes and good solid state have to offer take a look at the Herron.