Schitt Freya or older pre instead


Got the itch. Currently running an Adcom GFP 555. It does its job, but nothing great. Thinking of getting something better without spending too much money. The Schitt Freya looks very interesting. Lots of options and has a remote. Reviews tend to range from "it is great!" to "tends to be a little bright" and "nothing but a $400 preamp with a weak power supply and a tube buffer stage". The old B& Pro 10 or Sonata 101 looks to still be good buys (?). Adcom GFP 750 (?) Any thoughts for a preamp for around 800.00 or under?. Amp = Classe DR 10 with Spendor speakers. Tried a CJ PFR but thought way too much gain and a bit bright (not what I expected from CJ). Thanks
If you could wait and double your budget,
You should look at the Linear tube audio MZ2S,beats or rivals preamps much more expensive.

I tried a Freya with very good nos tubes but found it noisy and just didn't sound that good,sent it back at the end of the trial period.

The MZ2S greatly responds to different tubes and you can voice it for the sound you like,the only thing I don't like is only remote volume and no selection but I can live with that especially with the good sound I'm getting.

Running a Freya into a Taranis amp w/balanced interconnects.  JFET buffer mode exclusively.  Took the tubes out.    It sounds great to me.  NOT noisy at all - though there is some low level "warbling" that can be heard when "muted", oddly enough.   With volume up and nothing playing, very noise, warbling or otherwise.  Solid state sound for me was more refined and detailed than with the single-ended tube pre I was using previously.  It supports long listening sessions.  No fatigue.  Seemed to respond with heightened clarity to vibration/isolation measures.  I was NOT that impressed with sound running the as supplied Russian NOS 6sn7 tubes.  Might need to revisit those now that the unit is well run in but I'm entirely happy with the JFET mode.

Expectations and experience levels differ so I'm not trying to pick an argument with Kenny.  5% restocking fee is all you have to risk if you order from Schiit and decide to return it.   DO put signal through it continuously for a couple of days before any critical listening.  
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