"One Box Solutions" - Suggestions ?

I must downsize my rig and am trying to identify a high-power, one-box solution (CD is not necessary) that has a digital coax in.

I love the idea of the McIntosh MA 5200, but at 20 inches deep (!!) it won't fit on my rack.

My speakers are Monitor Audio PL200.

Any and all suggestions welcome...!

(High WAF is a plus, but not a deal killer).
The esoteric RZ-1 and AZ-1 are both amazing amazing ....
both available at a big discount from
One box solution ? Stay with your girlfriend or wife. And stay away from the masterbation jokes
I heard this unit the Synthesis A40 Virtus 40W tubed integrated some months back at Deja Vu Audio it sounded fantastic and has a built in Dac. Not sure the exact price but somewhere in the neighborhood of $5K and a really well built great sounding piece. And it's 17" deep so you're good there!

Thanks all for the ideas..!

Has anyone compared the Nuprime IDA-16 to the Devialet 120 or 200..?

Thoughts - good/bad/indifferent..?
Devialet all day long - nothing like it even at full retail. Used they're a steal.
There's been a few D400's which in reality are all you'd ever need.

Make sure you audition with the latest firmware as it does make a difference.