Unable to find Tidal icon in my Lumin app

I join Tidal (Hi Fi plan) this May and use my Lumin S-1 to pay their on-line music file. Everything are doing well and I enjoy very much. But until last week, when I pay Tidal’s music file, it always hang and suffocate. The problem was gone maybe 1 or 2 hours later. But next time this problem was happened again. 

Also I always couldn’t find the Tidal icon in my Lumin app since last week,  I used to reboot my ipad,  then sometime the icon appear again but sometime not. Is it because of Tidal sever's problem? I already contact Tidal about this problem  in last week but haven’t yet to receive reply.

Please verify all your apps have been updated and are currebt.  Please review this link for possible answers:


If not, please contact Lumin for help.  
One of the following might help:



I also found this quote from someone that might help:

"It's been my experience, not only as a fellow Lumin owner, but in general, that after a firmware/software update of any kind, it is always a good idea to do reset or reboot".  (Turn everything off and complete re-start). 
I’ve been using the lumin app for awhile.

It definitely has it’s quirks, and I still find myself mystified at times with its behavior.

These are the things you find when using it daily.

Reviews such as the computer audiophile review will not mention these things.
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