Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

You two just restored my faith in humanity..

Roger - I love your focus and energy. Hope to hear your tech one day.

Kosst - good luck. Protecting one's children has a visceral immediacy that tenders everything else moot. 

Saw your system - nice. You made all the cables yourself?  And the DIY resonators?

BTW - Your listening room is way too clean! 
Nice find, Dave!

I wonder if we'll see that circuit in a headphone amp? :)


Finally got around to reading the article....

Y'know, I can agree with Mr. Pass.  "The beauty lies in the differences'.  That holds true for any and all of the components that we apply to stroke  our personal preferences and situations; your tastes, your listening space, what you listen to, and how...  What I like may abhor you, or nod in general agreement.

"There is only one black and white."  No.

Like the shades of gray between them, even the extremes can be debated.  The validity of that is demonstrated every day in the posts and pages of these forums.   There is not, nor will be, a 'one size fits all'.

'Twas always thus...*S*  I'm good with that.