Cartridge under $600 for VAC VPI HW

Hey, needing help upgrading my cartridge on my VPI HW-19 MkIII running through a VAC Sig Mkii preamp.

Value most of all a wide and deep 3D soundstage and natural rather than hyper detailed.  Like subtle, not aggressive sound.  Listen to instrumental music almost exclusively, rather than vocals.  

Not an expert setting up carts, and so thinking elliptical design and other features that a novice like me can set up.  VPI has AQ PT-9 arm and have only used Grado carts in the past; MCZ,  TLZ currently on it.

Any suggestions that fit my taste and budget would be appreciated.
Many thanks for your suggestions.  At this point I am looking for something different than the Grado, but I may get one in the end, I don't know. I am really trying to get a cart that is more dynamic and throws a huge soundstage as I am used to listening mostly to digital audio and those factors make listening to the Grado unthrilling.  
Have you tried any moving coils? I believe your preamp supports both. If you might want to try a MC you should look at the Hana line of cartridges. There are many reviews out there and based on what you’ve said one of them might fit the bill. 

If you want to stay with MM you may want to look at the Clearaudio Artist. Music Direct is having a sale on them right now and it’s a really good cartridge, as is the even cheaper Performer.

 Ideally you should try to hear the cartridge you are interested in with your preamp and even better in your system. Your ears are the best judge. Good Luck!
I went from a ZU DL103 cartridge on my Prime to a Gold Note Vasari Gold MM Cartridge. The sound is much more than a 500.00 Cartridge should be. I bought it from the Canadian distributor as there doesn’t seem to be a presence in the US. Best part is 500 Canadian is about 425.00USD.
Thanks for those suggestions.  I will look up what is said more about them.     much appreciated.   
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