Why not batteries instead of power supplies?

I read about issues with power supplies, like noise from AC outlets, ripples in voltage etc.

Why not just use a large battery that can be recharged? If batteries can power cars, they can for sure power amplifiers.
There are lots of reasons to avoid the house AC if at all possible. Aside from voltage regulation there's also the issue of RFI/EMI coming in along with the voltage and current, the cost of power cords, the high cost of a good power supply especially for high power amps, ground issues, fuse issues, transformer issues (magnetic field and vibration) and the need for huge capacitors.


I knew that AC could be a problem. Is there a way to hook up an amplifier to a battery pack and avoid AC altogether?
A few years back a company was showing a strong presence at RMAF that had a few components that were 100% stored DC power. Although they didn’t sound extraordinarily good, the idea was launched. For some reason it never caught on, but doesn’t PS Audio already somewhat address this with their Regenerator P5 & P10?
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