I have joined in the ZYX Family

Funny how change comes about. I’ve been intending to get a tube preamp for years 10-12 years. Instead, I got a tube amp which sounds great. . Tube amp with SS preamp sounds GREAT. FWIW, the SS Preamp was a Stereophile Class A Conrad Johnson PFR. So, its not like I was shooting in the dark. The PFR is a really good preamp. And the Bob Latino ST-70 seems to be a great fit along with the Silverline Sonatas. So I set out to get my turntable up to its optimum. I have a Teres 340 which has an Origin Live Illustrious 3 with Benz Ebony L cartridge. I put the OL Illustrious on it as a temporary arm. I figured the Teres deserved much better. But Maybe I am wrong. It sounds great. However, being an audiophile, I can’t leave it alone. So I set out to get a new tonearm worthy of the Teres 340. But then someone reminds me that a cartridge will make more difference than a tonearm upgrade, especially since the tonearm is a pretty good one. . So I consider the idea and come across a ZYX 4D for a good price. Thank you Raulirigueus(sp) for the idea. In the process, I saved some $$$ too. I’ve wanted a ZYX for quite some time. NOW, I see what all the fuss is about. This cartridge is fabulous. Next up is to clean the electric. Oneac seems to be a good way to go. But, who knows. My plans often go sideways. But I’ve really made some big steps forward thanks to some good advice and the good Lord above who over rules my ignorance. FWIW I often pity those who miss the beauty of good music. I love it. Thanks for your help along the way.

Thanks for the explanation. I have read about stability of the phono preamp but did not understand what I read. You made it clear. I ran my LOMC Benz without loading. I thought  it was due to cartridge design. But IIUC, it indicates a stable phono stage (JLTi).  Guess I'll try the 47K.

"One additional point- when loading the cartridge, you are making it do work. This stiffens up the cantilever, changing its tracking characteristic- it will be less compliant;..."

The info above clears up the misconception that loading is for the cartridge.  I have never heard this before but I know you are knowledgeable of this. I have previously read that Mr Luschadek  (Benz Micro) recommended trying to run the Benz cartridges at 47k. Thus I thought it was due to his cartridge design. But I see now that he was figuring that the customer may have a stable phono stage. I suspect the only way for a layman such as myself to know if it is stable is to try it. Is this correct?
According to SORAsound, MC's going through step up transformers are sensitive to loading:

"Some general comments, pertaining to more than ZYX phono cartridges obviously. Assuming you’re not using stepup transformers, the optimum impedance for a LO (.24mv) ZYX will usually fall somewhere between 50 and 200 ohms. The ideal value will vary from system to system, since it depends on the electrical characteristics of the tonearm cable, phono cable and other components. Experimentation in-system is the only way to determine the optimum impedance for any MC. I’d suggest starting at around 100 ohms, then moving up or down from there depending on sonic results.

If you are using step-up transformers, I’ll need to know your step-up (turns) ratio or gain (in db) to make a recommendation. MC’s are extremely sensitive to impedance loading when the signal is going into a step-up, so more experimentation will be required."