Good point edev- i have been using corner Bass busters ,and 2x4 ft absorption
Panels,and first reflection ,even overhead before your seating area for reflections
With carpeting not so much hardwood ,for sure. Today's panels some even have artwork on them under equipment I so acoustics , good Med price Still points $$
A bit pricy I use Herbies a lot .for Vacuum tubes essential, and his tall footers
And vibration pucks. These all add up and keep cables separated and off the carpet. Or floor. Treating your cables the Best out there which Bass uses
Stabilant ,Stabilant-22 is cut with alcohol for tight areas, apply a 12year +
Effectiveness if you are not touching .first clean with 99% isopropyl alcohol
All connectors male,and female including power cords ,and ice inlets high quality
Foam applicators Craig I like best big and small for tube pins the Stabilant
Enhances all electrical conductivity,and protects, go to their sure Many awards .