Why? Because most of what passes for talent today -- used to be considered trash; furthermore, many have so dropped their values and expectations . . . believing that if some publicity stunt or cleaver publicist gets a large number of people to follow such trash, then even those who find such atrocities offensive, will follow them because they don’t wish to be considered odd or out of fashion. Individuality and superlatives have been replaced by a singularity of thought and loss of thinking for oneself. The lyrics stink for the most part . . . and the so-called music all sounds like the same tired formula with slight variations of a beat, banging, foul words, and screeching harpies trying to reach high notes that sound more like sirens or whistles than they do human voices. Take away all the special effects, backup singers, and other noise assaults, the lead singer usually has a very mediocre voice at best, if at all, and after all the electronic modifications and changes. what the audience or listener gets is something that does not even resemble the original voice by which people are being entertained. The synthetically produced slop is not fit for human consumption.
Singers and musicians used to pay their dues -- not take pay under false pretenses; therefore, how quickly many “artists” are forgotten within a short time and never heard of again. No wonder so many young people are so tense and have a hard time relating to one another without their cell phones, computers, laptops, and noise blasting out the world around them. The mind doesn’t differentiate between that it is conditioned by -- when that is ALL it has ever been exposed to is a mindless, debilitating barrage of garbage and junk.