Shunyata Zitron Cobra vs Transparent Reference G5

I have a nice offer for a 2nd hand Shunyata Zitron Cobra 20A version power cord and a Transparent Reference G5 power cord (15A version), which is better for ARC Ref 6? Please note if I take Transparent Reference G5, I need to use a Shunyata 15A to 20A IEC converter (I already have this now). THX
I have the same question. I recently upgraded my power amp with Audio Research Reference 75 SE with 20 amp socket. My current PCs are all 15 amp ones so I am looking for good and reasonably priced 20 amp PC. Based on availability from the Cable Company Used List, I am contemplating the following ones:Shunyata Anaconda Helix CX, Python Ztron, and Cobra Ztron. Could you provide your opinion on these? I have all Synergistic Research PC and am not familiar with Shunyata other than their good reputation on the cable (PC, IC, SC) in general. I also have a good offer of Transparent Audio Reference 5 (20 amp) from a local dealer.
I would NOT advise the CX line: there is a built-in warmth which colors the entire frequency presentation. You would do FAR better with a Python ZiTron (I have both the Cobra ZiTron and the Python Citron): the Python is (naturally) better, sonically speaking, as would be expected.

I will have a Delta NR in two days, and I will swap it out at the location of the Python. If you can wait a week (the cords STILL take time to break in, but do not go thru that good day/bad day change that all previous generations went through), I’ll give you my impression between the Python, Alpha HC and the Delta NR Shunyata power cords. It appears it takes around a week - 24/7 playing - for the Shunyata NRs to fully blossom. (I just hooked it up to my PS Audio Power Plant, or else my Schiit Yggdrasil DAC.

Myself, I am curious to see how the Delta NR compares to the Python ZiTron, as well as the Alpha HC. I suspect the sonic differences will be more apparent between the Alpha HC and the Delta NR, but that’s just speculation for now. The cord arrives Saturday. I have a Sigma Analogue as well.

If you have not yet purchased that Transparent, might I suggest doing the 60-day trial at Music Direct and getting a Shunyata Delta NR? If you don’t like it, just return it before the 60 days is up. No re-stocking fee.

I say this because the Delta NR arrived. I had bought another one, but left it at a friend’s house for him to hear. Hadn’t heard much of it when I loaned it to him.
The Yggdrasil, I discovered a day or two ago, had been off: the Python power cord, at the wall socket, had come loose and so the whole system was off. Fortunately, reconnected it. Sounded great after 24 hours on again.
Put the Delta NR in the wall socket and connected it to the PS Audio Power Plant 300. Moved the Python to the Arcam FMJ, which is being used as a transport for the Yggdrasil. The Yggdrasil has the Shunyata Sigma attached to it. (Start at the Top, I always say!)
As soon as I pressed play, and the strains of Enescu’s Hungarian Dances launched itself (and "launched" is the only word for it), I was mesmerized. The Python is permanently consigned to the Arcam: the Delta made the system sound more like the Sigma was on the wall socket than I would have believed.
And the one niggling qualm I had had about the last two generations of Shunyata’s power cords was banished: the bass seemed a bit too "rounded," without genuine weight and power. I suspect this is more a trait of the Cobra power cable than anything else, as it is the one component I sold to buy the Delta, so it is the only change.
The bass is unquestionable, significantly more powerful. I actually now KNOW that I have Nolas Thunderbolt Subwoofers in my system. Hungarian Dances sounded joyous, and even majestic ( and majesty is really hard for a system to reproduce until you get into systems (these days around 40k or so). In old days, you could do this for 15k. Ah, well...

The Delta, just from Shunyata’s having improved (and not by a little!) the low bass thru the lower midrange in what is essentially a replacement for the Cobra is unbelievabale. (Now keep in mind that all the other cords are ZiTrons: Pyton, Alpha HC and Sigma). STILL,  the last time I heard this much bass power in a Shunyata-based system is when I had the King Cobra V2 and the very last iteration of the Andromeda Constellation speaker cable (2003 version), which was as thick around as MIT, not the slender, earlier generation of the Andromeda Constellation, which did not - at all - possess that bass power of the later Constellation.

Well, the Delta NR has the power of the Andromeda Constellation speaker cable. Now, I’ve had Python Zi-Trons (speaker cable) in my system, and I was disappointed that they did not restore that "kick" that made music sound like a daytime hoe-down. And this Delta NR cable is only 2 hours old. Yes, I know how Shunyata works (well, every older generation and I've had them since 2003, so I go waaay back): sounded good on  day 1, BAD on 2nd and 3rd days and then you waited for 400 hours (at least 300, but I think you’ll find a consensus that it comes alive around 400) for it all to come together.

You need not wait with the Delta NR. The bass thumps you upside your head. If I was still living in San Francisco and this was an earthquake, I would rate the Delta as a 4.5 strength. It shocked me - and I’m rarely shocked by my equipment. Delighted, thrilled, yes. Shocked, no. Like I said, it made the Nola subs sound like they existed. I truly wondered if my system just lacked low bass. the Cobra line, as fantastic as it is, is a bit weak in the mid bass. Placing an NR in its place will catch you completely off guard (assuming you had an integrated even as modest as the NAD C356BEE I’m using (just installed a new tube for the ET3SE, but haven’t put it back into the system). "An NAD with LOW bass?!?!." I gasped. Yes. But it wasn’t there with the Alpha HC, or the ZiTron Python, or the Cobra. And while I’m sure it will "calm down" the kind of "aliveness" it exhibits is a more fully artistic expression of the singer’s voice. Nobody miked Ella Fitzgerald or Sarah Vaughn or Billie Holliday, Frank Sinatra or Aretha, or Nina Simone, so just by listening to these artists, I can hear a far more lifelike rendering of their voice, one I’ve heard only twice before in my system - when I had a $70,000 system back in the 90s. The one I have is ironically more the 5 Shunytat power cords attached to 1) the afore-mentioned NAD C356 BEE and a 2) Schiit Yggdrasil and a d), Arcam FMJ 23 with Shunyata Cobra speaker cable and Nola Contders with Nola Thunderbolt subs. Stillpoints Ultra Mini Risers under the Arcama and NAD and a Transparent basic 75 ohm RCA cable. Finite Elemente Spikder Rack.
Shunyata has far surpassed itself by offering a cord with the performance of a Python Citron at the price of an older Venom.  I'll have to wait to see if it brings in the entire harmonic spectrum as well, but the fundamentals? Oh yeah, baby, it's ON.
The Delta (and the Simga, latest veriaon) seem to restore a subtly missing trait from past Shunyata (excluding the Constellation range power cords and speaker cable:  MUSICALITY (of the non-euphonic sort, since phasey Big Band recording still sound ...phasey, but much, much cleaner, less distorted (less noise) and  there is also more body (aka "dimensionality"). The Delta also unquestionably moved you from Row L to Row F. It’s in your face - in a good way. So, the dynamics "jump." This now means you are sitting 5’ from Ella as she croons, "Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most." You can hear hear humming in her head - clearly - and the "p" "d" and "k" letters particularly clear without a corresponding "lift" in the lower treble or upper midrange. In fact, its’s nothing approaching "bright-sounding."
That’s it so far. I’m going to play the 1812 overture and hope my plaster doesn’t crack. I wasn’t this surprised with the Sigma. Actually, when I had the Cobra power cord in the same system as the Sigma, I didn’t heard it much, which is why I questioned whether the subs were working or not (I mean, they sounded "ok" on organ recordings, but not "special).
Hmmm...organ recordings...that should be fun....oh sorry, gotta go.
Try the Delta! And don’t play it less than 2 hours after you put it in or it’ll just sound great instead of "dazzling." All Shunyata power cords need to settle: play them 5 minutes after moving them around, and you’ll notice a lessening of you immersion in the music. Ta.
Thank you for sharing your impression of the Delta NR power cord.
You are suggesting Delta NR might be the better performer than Alpha HC, right?
Did you have a chance to compare Alpha NR vs. Delta NR by a chance?
I don’t think I will go up to Sigma NR, which is way above my budget.
One other question:
I have Shunyata Hydra 6 power conditioner with an old Venon 20A power cord, on which I hook up both DAC (Cary 200ts) and preamp (Audio Valve Eclipse) using Synergistic Research Element Tungsten power cords (15A). If I switch Venon to either Alpha or Delta NR, do you think I will have a substantial improvement in sound, or maybe it is time to replace the Hydra 6 all together? I am planning to connect the power amp (AR 75 SE) directly to wall socket without a power station in between.