How old are your speakers

I am wondering how many listen to old speakers. I am not looking so much as to how long you owned them but how old are they. Are they your primary speakers? I am listening to a pair of 2003 Verity Parsifal Encores and continue to be pretty pleased with them.
Jond - "Guesstimating here but I traded a pair of Alon Lotus's for my current JMlabs Micro-Utopias back in 2006. The speakers were definitely used at that point, if I had to guess 3-5 years old so built somewhere between 2001-2003. I love them and they suit my room and system perfectly they're not going anywhere!"

How are those new AN-J's? LOL!
 I have a pair of altec 604 E. that are from the early 1960s. I have a pair of Fostex T 900 super tweeters to add to the top and a pair of 12 inch subs augmenting the bottom. This is my primary system and the only system. I used to have a pair of Tannoy Yorkminster's that were from around 2007 then moved to Tannoy golds and then moved to these Altecs. 
They are in custom boxes that are 3 inches thick all the way around and coated with anti-vibration coating. The empty box of one side is over 200 pounds. 
Main 2 Channel - Infinity Intermezzo 4.1Ts, circa early 2000s

HT - Infinity Interlude IL40s, IL36C, Modulus MS-1s, and MSW-1 also early 2000s

Computer - Elac Uni-Fi UB5s, a couple of years old