Ugraditus is calling....again. Phono stage?

There is likely nothing wrong at all with present phono stage but you know how it is.

Present analog front end consists of.

Nottingham Analog Spacedeck with Spacearm.
Shelter 501 mk3 cartridge with maybe 250 hours on it, regularly treated with Lyra.
Dynavector P75 mk3 phono stage.
Feeds into Lyngdorf 2170 via Nordost Red Dawn RCA cables.

My thoughts were that possibly the Dynavector is the weakest link and would pay most dividend on an upgrade but.....

What do I perceive I am lacking right now?
Really hard to say as this is highest quality analog front end ever owned.
Possibly lacking a little in sheer scale and dynamics? Bass is very very good, instruments are well separated and defined.
Just as an overall presentation I feel it lacks that final wow factor as a whole.
Not sure if that makes any sense?
Please comment honestly especially if you feel it is another area that may reap larger benefits. Or if should just leave well

Oh btw I am fairly sure it is setup correctly in regards to vta etc, at least to the best of my abilities right now. And yes setting it up correctly from initial purchase did make considerable gains in sq.

It is definitely a looker for sure! 

My MC cart is .47mv so I use -3db for gain, 220 loading, and RIAA Enhanced curve.

Cartridge dependant, personal preference of course.  

Have fun!  Give it at least 20 hours of play, and I would leave it on throughout the weekend, before any critical listening.  Mine hit it's peak at approx 30hrs, give or take.
Thanks Al, clears things up a bit.

Just been playing with the curves 
Atm, really liking Decca London and set at 0db gain and now 220 loading.

@ uberwaltz,

On 04-02-18 you stated in your post...obviously confusing my previous posts referring to Kevin Carter of K & K Audio with Keith Herron. Just to set the record straight. I hope you're satisfied with your purchase.


Yea that’s
Sorry for any confusion there but I did get very valuable information from Keith for sure.


My understanding from minds much more versed in the subject than myself is that a mismatch from a too low ratio will result in diminished Sonics, bass, dynamics etc. Obviously then not an upgrade at all!
Better to buy correctly the first time if at all possible, hence my reasons for starting a thread to get as much information as possible.