Infinity Kappa 8's

What to do? My infinity Kappa 8's keeps eating amps for lunch.The 1st failure was with a Yamaha 200 watt per channel model P2200. Amp went black, I replaced the main fuses on the back of amp, it powered-up with new same rating fuses and then amp died again for good.Tryed another P2200 fuse blew again. I've decided not to try the amp again, for fear of completely damaging my last P2200. This is getting expensive! I'm not cranking the volume at full tilt or pushing the bass tone control past 12 o'clock. The speaker can be Bi-amped, but I've just used a single robust P2200 on them. The speaker wire uses large 1/4 inch bananna connectors, so no bare wires can not touch positive to ground on the back of the amp or speakers and the 4 binding posts on the speakers flat metal plates to connect the two binding posts together for single amp operation. Could a faulty cross-over wreak this havoc upon me. Any helpful suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
So what's a good bi-amp setup under ~$2000 for these speakers? I see the 565's going for $900 as described. Are those good for the low's? What's good for the highs?

The Odyssey Stratos amps are a perfect sonic match for the Kappa speakers and will supply plenty of current. And at a price that won't break the bank. Peace of mind with the 20 year warranty. I use 4 Odyssey Monoblocks for my Kappa 9's and a Odyssey HT-3 for my Kappa center and Kappa 8 rear surrounds. Sounds fantastic.
As a long time Kappa 8 owner I can strongly recommend a simple bypass modification to the crossover that makes the speaker easy to drive and actually better with a more natural and full bass response. Simply unsolder or cut one side of the 12.5 mh coil from the crossover and solder in a shorting bridge across any one of the three 500uf (1500uf total) capacitors that are the first thing after the woofer binding posts. This takes the 'reactor' out of the woofer circuit. Now your amp will just see a common 4 ohm load and the bass will be very natural without the 'thump' where that cap and coil reactor stores a charge and throws it at the woofer while melting your amp in the process. I listened carefully using the famous Hok-Man Yim Poem of Chinese drum CD and it actually hits harder with better decay after the mod and the amp doesn't overheat in the slightest. The Kappa 8's punch that track harder than anything I have owned with just one 12 per side. If you want to keep protection against a DC short from your amp, ignore shorting out the (series) capacitor, but by all means get that evil 12.5 mh (shunt) coil out of the woofer circuit.
Has anybody else performed this mod?

I know this is an old thread but I hope to bump it. Regarding heyjay's modification. I am very interested in doing this. I have been clipping first, my Adcom 555, then a Carver M1.0t, and now I bought a new emotiva xpa-2 rated at 500 watts into 4 ohms. Listening to Jesse cooks Freefall album track #4 (Freefall) has sent even this sturdy amp into protection mode. That track has some very powerful lows (as do tracks 6 and 8)and I am at my budget limit trying to satisfy the needs for these kappa 8's. I am an electronics n00b and would ask if there would be any chance that heyjay could send me a PM with pics and all? Just a thought and thank you
I did the removal of the 12.5mH (but did not bypass the caps) mod last night on my Kappa 8's. My Rotel 1090 can go quite a bit higher now before going into protection and it runs cooler. I did not notice any significant changes in the bass response.

I plan to put in a SPCO switch that will provide normal mode, extended mode and allow the 12.5mH coil to be bypassed. This will let me compare the mod's sonics quickly rather than though the half our change over memory.

The stock Normal/Extended mode switch simply bypasses the 5 ohm, 50W resistor. It does not bypass the 12.5mH inductor which is always in circuit.

The previous owner of my Kappas did some work on the xovers and got ohms law wrong. He replaced the 5 ohm resistors and apparently couldn't find 50Wer's. He correctly put two 25Wer's in parallel to cover the 50 watts but incorrectly used 2.5 ohms think the value summed like the wattage. So the resistive value was 1.25 ohms rather than 5 which meant they were always running closer to extended mode. Explains why I didn't hear a difference and my amps still went into protection mode at the volume setting, regardless of the switch's setting.