Using Maple Butcher Block Under a Turntable

When using a maple butcher block under a turntable, what is below the butcher block?  Cone?  Soborthane pucks?  Does it just lay on the shelf?  What are people using and how of they mounting the block?  How are they mounting the table on the butcher block?
I start out with my trusty, fully loaded with lead shot and sand, Lead Balloon by Arcci then I place my maple platform directly on top of the Lead Ballons turntable support shelf which has adjustable spikes to level things out then I place a Symposium Seque ISO platform on top of the maple shelf and then I place my turntable on top of that. This setup really works very well for my setup which is a VPI Prime with peripheral ring and Single Motor Flywheel.

Not a bad idea but the problem is moving the thing from the

 kitchen to the living room and the other way  round.