What is your favorite type of tweeter?

It seems to me that 98% of speakers under $1000/pr use dome tweeters, 95% of speakers under $5000/pr use domes, 92% of speakers under $10000/pr use domes, and 90% of speakers over $10000/pr use domes. Do those stats seem reasonable?

If a manufacturer were designing a new loudspeaker at a $5K or $10K price point, would there be a bias in favor of domes, in order to stick with a known, familiar entity, or a bias away from domes, in order to create interest and set oneself apart from the competition?

This forum does not have a "Poll" function, so I can't ask everyone to vote for their favorite type of tweeter. But I will be grateful for any comments.
>>>>if you were designing a speaker at the $5K or $10K price point, would you go with a dome or a non-dome tweeter?<<<<

If it were a 2 way I'd design around a large ribbon (the "bigger" RAAL for the $5k and Raven R3.2 for the $10k+ range).

A 3 way is more complex, but the midrange to be used would, to a large extent, determine potential candidates.
no one has commented on electrostatic tweeters. why ?

Perhaps because that is a major problem with large flat panels - being the opposite of a point source they suffer from severe beaming issues that will cause "comb filtering" in what is heard.
A question a bit aside from the original, but someone hereabouts might still be of some help: Do dome tweeters have their own fuses? I blew mine out on a pair of Kef 205 speakers and I was hoping for a 'quick fix'....
Fountek CD3.0 ribbon tweeters are what I have in my speakers. You do need the right design to make these work well as the range is more limited, but the clarity is hard to pass up.