Other brands similar to Dynaudio house sound?

I am curious from those who've owned or are familiar with the Dynaudio sound what other brands might be similar. The traits I loved about my old pair of Dynaudio Audience 50's were the resolution and detail combined with a solid low end for bookshelfs. They were a 7" driver and 1" silk dome. I could I hear piano pedals, fingers sliding over guitar strings, and other details that made artists feel present in the room. Really, it was only these Dynaudio's and my Sony MDR-V6 headphones that allowed such resolution. The imaging was great too. Their achilles heel was the tweeters began to sound 'harsh' as I got older. I started EQ'ing the treble down, which hurt the SQ.

I've been all over the map since then trying out many brands and finding most either dull or harsh. It seems I'm extremely sensitive to harsh/bright speakers, but completely bored with dull speakers. 

I'd like to hear from those who moved on from Dynaudio if they found a similar 'house sound' in other brands, preferably as resolving and wonderful sounding, but with less 'harsh' highs.

My listening preferences are bands like Tool, Tori Amos, Mazzy Star, Cure (basically alternative rock). Bass matters, but doesn't have to be heavy-handed. It can't be light though (I've had speakers with 75Hz rolloff and they were way to thin sounding).

Exotic, expensive brands aside (budget is ~$1500, preferably used on ebay). Some ideas I've been throwing around are (1) less harsh dynaudios, like Focus 140, or (2) something new... swan, proac, ascend, focal?? I'm just not familiar with the house sound of any other brands. 

