Are there any Delphi Oracle Users Who Can Comment

Oracle Delphi users,... can you comment on your TT and your love/hate? Is it an excellent TT or is it just a cool one? What is it? 

Their support seems to be very excellent and their upgrades are at least existing and relevant. 
I am looking at an Oracle Delphi right now with view to purchase.
What points do I need look for?
Potential problems or flaws?
This one has a Magnepan Unitrac 1 carbon tone arm and Denon 305 included.

Thank you
Brooks Berdan was an Oracle guru ( RIP )
we carried SOTA which as others have noted had better bass and much more resistanr isolation wise.
I would not hesitate to buy a well maintained and sorted Oracle...
And that seems to be the issue I have, defining a well maintained Oracle.
What to look for?
After reading a couple of threads on the Magnepan Unitrac arm I may have found one major issue to begin with (on the one I was looking at )
It appears the seller has "cut the ends of the tonearm lead"
Not 100% clear just why yet but by all accounts it is near impossible to run a new tonearm cable through this arm?
So that would mean a new arm for sure I think.
I owned an Oracle I with II suspension and many mods with an Alphason arm for years. For the last 2 years, using an Oracle IV SE, changed the bearing bottom to Mk V, using with a Graham 2.2t arm installed on a Delrin disc. Very fussy to set up, but once set.. very stable. Changing the belt especially frustrating. Love the sound. I can't see using a no suspension table unless a lot of effort is spent on isolation. I suspect some of the comments on soft bass may be the SME arms.
The one I was looking at ( now I have looked at the Oracle website Legacy products) appears to be the very first incarnation of the Delphi, the Delphi AC, just one year I think.With a bit more research it might be more prudent to look at much newer tables without 40 years of usage?