Best sounding tube for Audible Illusions M3A preamp?

I am interest in learning what folks are using as the best tube for preamps, specifically, the Audible Illusions Modulus 3A. (My AI M3A also has a Gold phono stage card, but that is purely solid state). I have reviewed nearly all the tube roller-specific forum threads here, which are spread overĀ  several topic areas. I have also reviewed another thread located elsewhere ( I know that AI recommends the 6H23n tube for the M3A. So please let me know your thoughts about this tube and whether you can recommend a particular brand of the tube and commercial online supplier. I would also appreciate your view of alternative tubes (including brands and online suppliers), should you recommend something other than a 6H23n tube for the AI M3A.

I've had my 3A since they came out, and Telefunken sounds good, and they have lasted.
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Accidentally found this old thread and I want to share my experience with AI Modulus.
My preamp keeps tubes warmed up in stand by mode, so I always unplug it when I don't use it and it obviously extends tube life. I plug it in 5 min before use and it sounds amazing.