Opinions on these budget integrateds?

Searching to replace a NAD C352 with a new/used integrated that will provide a meaningful sonic upgrade.  Looking at options around $2,000 or below, and I don't want it to be a sideways move.

I'm keeping my old Allison One speakers, at least for now, as they work very well with my particular room conditions. 

Would love to get opinions on the options below.  I'm looking for ease and musicality, but the ability to articulate dense music is also important. No internal DAC required.

-Belles Aria - very intrigued

-Quicksilver Integrated - have never had tubes before but am open to them

-Primaluna Prologue or Dialogue - might be over my budget

-Audio Note OTO SE - one day!  but probably cannot power the Allisons

-Sugden a21 SE

-Yamaha A-S2100 

-Parasound Halo

-Unison Research Unico Integrated

-Exposure 2010 S2

-Primare i22

Any thoughts at all are welcome, and I haven't heard ANY of these!  Thanks in advance. 

...sorry to see you've left out the rig I have and luv: a JOB INT. AMP

BUY DIRECT BRAND NEW for about $1700 and if you've got extra $$$ , buy the SWEETCORD POWER CORD for it.

Break it in for 300 hours continuous, and be amazed as the sound matures. Plenty of power, options to go with interconnects or flip a switch and use an optical cord to access the DAC in the INT.

Great value in a well-designed product.

Good Luck in your search...
... Another option, which I have in my 2nd system with JBL L25 PRIMA speakers, is a MONOPRICE INTERGRATED AMP for about $150 or so (go with the 50 watt unit), use a good power cord ( I'm using a PS AUDIO SC STATEMENT) and use the $$$ for more music...
I had a PrimaLuna for a while and it is a fantstic piece of equipment. Great performance at a reasonable price.
@justvintagesfuff, with respect, Monoprice is terrible, low quality junk and would be a large step backwards for the OP. Their products don’t belong in any true hifi system. 
I have heard the Parasound Halo many times paired with all sorts of different speakers (at a local High-End store;Quest For Sound), It has always sounded very good! The Prima Luna integrateds have "blown me away" when paired with newer Maggies (.7i and 1.7i).