Kinki EX M1 user comments

I’m really happy with the sound of my EX M1, and I’d like to encourage folks to post their comments as they join the user base. I started using mine around August 24, and though I was skeptical about just how good the sound would be, or that it would improve over time, I was wrong on both counts. 

Also, I hope folks will note engineering or other changes as they occur. So far, there is a gain switch and a ground jumper, and silver rather than black remotes versus the original.

Let’s start hearing from new users! 
Welcome to the club. 👍😘

on reflection you you may be right about gain. On high, the steps are not quite fine enough so I think I’ll switch!  
I think it's wonderful that the Kinki can bring you up and out of your doldrums. I really believe the sweetness you allude to is a result of the accuracy you're experiencing. The resultant responses that one goes through as one hears something properly done is rewarding in and of itself, like one of those "Eureka!" moments. 

I don't have the gain switch and don't mind, at all, the immediate hearing of something, even at it's lowest setting. Having .25db steps in volume still allows me a mighty fine level of volume control. I prefer it to the over quarter turn of the volume dial on my Marantz before I could enjoy anything.

All the best,
This may interest some. I sold my 20 year Mac preamp and amp to buy a Rotel rc/rb 1590 combo. I loved the rotel until I heard the Kinki. I kept the Rotels, and today added a Cambridge Audio Cxc transport, using the internal dac. Initially, the rotels sounded thinner and with less soundstage but wonderful detail from the internal dac. As they warmed up, bass and midrange got better, as did the soundstage, but never made it to the lush, full/fulsome level of the Kinki. Close, but no cigar. So, I’ll keep them all, but the Kinki is the clear winner, at half the price, but no flexibility. If I had to choose, it would be the Kinki but I’m glad to have both. 
I will make a point to touch upon this fact when I finish my writeup but this is something everyone needs to know. The Kinki Studio outperformed my Pass stack, which had a retail of $11k new. How do you like them apples?
I like them apples for sure. 👍
I know it’s not appropriate to say the Kinki is a giant slayer, so how about a giant handicapper, or equalizer. Like Samuel Colt made all men the same, the Kinki too, levels the playing field, if not seismically upsets it.

All the best,