Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming

I’ve found that the SQ of my red book CDs exceeds that of streaming using the identical recordings for comparison. (I’m not including hi res technology here.)
I would like to stop buying CDs, save money, and just stream, but I really find I enjoy the CDs more because of the better overall sonic performance.
 I stream with Chromecast Audio using  the same DAC (Schiit Gumby) as I play CDs through.
I’m wondering if others have had the same experience
I have an ancillary question.

Currently, I'm listening to my somewhat extensive of Redbook classical and organ CDs via a top quality CD spinner - - and I've been very satisfied with the result. However; I might have to add a streaming capability to satisfy other family members. 

Can the streaming entities provide the specific performance of what I want to hear?  Example: There are over 40 differing performances of the Verdi Requiem.  Can I ask for a specific performance, or am I stuck with what they might have on hand in the way of the Requiem? I wouldn't want to ask for the Reiner or Barenboim, and be given one of Giulini's instead. 

Seriously, just asking about classical and organ music choices with streaming. 

I stream Tidal via an Antipodes server/streamer which is full CDs ripped in FLAC, by the Antipodes.
There is no obvious difference, to me, between these FLAC files and Tidal.
However, CDs ripped by the Antipodes DO sound better than previously recorded FLAC files ripped in and transferred from my PC. Due, I would imagine, to better hardware and programming in the Antipodes.
I use a Denafrips Pontus DAC.

Another reclocker is the iFi SPDIF iPurifier which I own. “

Ditto. It actually makes the Chromecast Audio sound pretty darn close to Node2 using the same (non-MQA) outboard DAC and using the optical TOSLINK connectivity. The improvement using it with the Node2 is not as significant but still worth it.

Using a LPS instead of the stock wall-wart will improve the SQ of the reclocker. I added one and have experienced a much wider soundstage, improved dynamics and inner detail.
Very impressed with the improvement in sonics of my system.


The good news is most streaming services I looked at amazingly carry multi performances of the same work. If you’re into classical, there’s one that’s far above the rest:  IDAGIO.  It has numerous search engines to find anything you want, and is devoted solely to classical. Only $10 a month!
Another good one is Qubuz, but it’s not just for classical and it’s more expensive.
I use streaming for background music with the same DAC used for the CD player (my DAC has 2 sp/dif inputs), and CDs for serious listening. Redbook CDs have been getting some props lately from interesting people like Alon Wolf among others. A good spinner with a good DAC can sound great, and I think the rumors of a "CD Revival" fad are pretty funny.