Just getting started on a budget and need bookshelf speakers/receiver now

I am poor and need some bookshelf speakers and a receiver, all for around $600-$700.  I know this is a surely a travesty for most of you because you are professionals, but... I have to start somewhere and won't come into much more money anytime soon.  I currently have Infinity Reference 2000-3 speakers and a Yamaha RX-395 receiver.  I listen to CLASSICAL music and OPERA.  I'd like to have the speakers and a receiver that can handle bluetooth, my cd player, the tv and computer.  I've looked at Kanto YU6, Cambridge Audio SX-60, ELAC Uni-Fi UB5 and MartinLogan Motion LX16.  But I don't know if these speakers are better than what I've got (I have to think they are since mine are ancient).  I know you will probably say "just save your money," but that won't work.  Can you please help me?
new bas-x a100 emotiva receiver has dac, phono preamp am-fm tuner, 50 wpc amp that will blow away that older nad stuff in its price range for 399 bucks on amazon pair it with whatever floats your boat out there for 300 bucks a pair and there is your 700 dollar system.
Check out Creek integrated amps they match well with a lot speakers like the PSB suggested above or many British type speakers. Also read some reviews on LSA speakers you can pick them up dirt cheap now, 2 or $300 and the sound like $2000 monitors. If you can find them Alon petites or XLS Sking ninja modded speakers for 2 or$300. Leave $100 in your budget for some decent used pair interconnects, and some diy speaker wire. You would be surprised what you can do with 7 or $800 if buying used with matched speakers and components, good luck
If I were looking for big sound with a small budget might check out the Yamaha R-N303 ($300) and Tekton Mini-Lores (on sale $575). 

If you need a USB DAC you could add a Shiit Modi for $99 but if you want MQA might go with a Meridian Explorer II or Dragonfly DAC. 
Got to through this one in Naim Nait with monitor audio or spendor speakers, nice match