No right channel in new cartridge

I just got a Sumiko Blackbird & mounted it.  I have no right channel. I haven’t fine tuned the mounting but, That shouldn’t make me lose a whole channel.  Once or twice I’ve heard a hum in the right channel before I put the needle down. When it goes down it stops & goes silent.  The channel isn’t effected in CD, DVD or radio.

i bought it here(all positives on the seller) & it only had 10 hours on it. It didn’t come in the original box but came screwed into a box... seemed pretty secure.  I checked & reconnected all the pins, jacks into the AVR & ground wire.

What should I try next?
Only 10 hours and the seller didn’t have the original box? Sounds like BS to me!
Buying a used cartridge is a big mistake 10 hours could be 1000hours.Try getting your money back good luck with that one though.Your in a world of hurt NEVER buy a used cartridge. You got ripped off big time.Good luck though!!
Not EVERYONE here is out to rip fellow members off you know guys!
Do not tar them all with the same brush please!
I have bought several used cartridges, you just have to use that least used sense, you know the one called COMMON SENSE when looking and buying.

Usually if a deal seems too good to be true then it likely is.

I have also sold several cartridges and satisfied customers every time.
Just be honest and handle and pack very carefully if you do not have original box.
Sheesh... Off with their heads according to some here, give me a break!
Just as a final note, the seller is covering any repair at SoundSmith. He has an excellent rep here.  

Lewm, I know you said I should just return it.  I may regret it but, the seller has been really patient with my pre purchase questions, responded right away & just have a good feeling about him & the cartridge.