Monostrapped Atma-sphere M-60

Well made a ton of changes to my system.
Fell into Atma-sphere great buys.  Waiting to get my M-60’s. Just wondering if down the road I got different speakers like Maggie’s or Higher End Vandersteens. Instead of buying a different Amp if it would make sense to Monostrap the M-60’s. Wondering if anyone had had experience doing this.
My system is as follows.
Quicksilver M-60 ( Replaced most likely by the Atma-sphere.
Atma-sphere point to point UV-1 updated with Vcaps. Next Power Regulation at the end of the month.
Bel Canto Dac 3 
Vandersteen 2ce Sig ii

@gdnrbob. They are now just about 8’ tweeter to tweeter...the pictures are of older tighter setup, they are another foot out into room, front of cabinet is now 37” from rear wall... I keep tweaking it. The wall they are on is almost 16’ but very high ceiling with many irregular openings...

water is life... for me anyway
music is frosting 
But before anybody draws the wrong conclusions... the 200 WPC Ayre VX-R was plenty of power for my listening habits/room

i even had a loaner aRC REF 75SE in the system while Ayre was back at Factory- adequate except for Cowboy Junkies - Devils Paintbrush Road....

try that out.....
In addition to more power, a potential advantage of monostrapping (i.e., paralleling) Ralph's amps is that the resulting output impedance would be cut in half.  In the case of the M-60 Mk 3.3 for example, the output impedance of a monostrapped pair would be 2.05 ohms instead of the 4.1 ohms that is specified for a single monoblock.  That would seem likely to significantly broaden the range of speakers that would be suitable matches for it, and potentially eliminate the need to use a Zero autoformer in conjunction with many speakers.

-- Al
   That was exactly the information I was looking for. I was going to ask Ralph about that. Ummmmm.... Thanks  for the response.