Thiel CS3.7 vs WP8?

The 2nd hand price of Wilson WP8 is dropping down fast! I am thinking of buying a pair of 3.7 but as the WP8's price is almost within reach, I wonder which is the better choice? I have CJ premier 350 and Herron Pre. Now using Thiel 3.6 with very good results. Wanting the next step up!!

The other thing to consider is hybrid-design power amps (tube input/driver stage and SS output stage). Here are some to consider:

The Vincent STP-800 was a TAS 2008 Product of the year and can be bought at Audio Advisor that has a 30-day return policy as long as you keep the product in "like new" condition and return it in original packaging.

The Moscode 402 power amp recently was reviewed by Wes Philips at Stereophile in the Sept 2009 issue ( and can be bought direct from the manufacturer with a 33 and 1/3 day (i am not joking about that) in-home audition trial period.

The other option is to get a tube hybrid integrated amp of which there are many options with 200+ wpc and that allows you to simplify your system (fewer components and cabling). I have no idea what the above units sound like but at least these two options can give you the ability to audition and if they don't meld well with the 3.7 or the WP8 then you can at least return them. Just a thought.
I have listened to a few of those tube drive SS out amps, latest CJ's and even Lamm's are not my cup of tea! I found them just couldn't bring out the best of both media. I am thinking of keeping the CJ350 and add a tube amp to my gears, swap them around with different music.
Luna thats what my buddy did but like I said he needs a higher powered tube amp to get the most out of the 3.7's. If you can afford to go this route then I would do it. It would be fun to switch out amps for different music :)
In that same S'phile review he states that 'while some of the THIEL's sounded bright, these DO NOT'--that the blend of the coaxial driver/midrange is perfect giving them the smoothest sound of any THIEL, or words to that effect.


I agree, I did not think they were bright. I thought they were the most balanced speaker I have heard. I also do not think they need tubes to sound expectable (or their best). They seem to need power and tubes just seem like a waist when you get into high power. If someone has lots of money to through at high power (good) tube amps, they most likely would be looking at more expensive speakers. Just my opinion of corse, enjoy the music.