Anyone use a cartridge demagnetizer?

Years ago these devices seemed to be popular with owners of MC cartridges. I owned one when I bought my first MC cartridge (an Adcom cross-coil), and I eventually sold it when I moved back to MM's for a number of years. I eventually returned to MC cartridges, but never bothered with a new demagnetizer. Any MC cartridge users use a demagnetizer these days? Have any MC cartridge manufacturers ever actually recommended a demagnetizer? 
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I still use mine every 50 hours or so on all my moving coils, also use the degassing section of my Cardas album every few months or so. I have never had any negative effects with either of these, do I hear a difference after their use, hard to say but the principles involved do make sense to me.
you really shouldn't use a demagnetizer.  Many cartridge manufacturers don't recommend it.  The gold internal wire may very well fail with its use... very hard if not impossible to repair.  I would check with your manufacturer