Sweet Vinyl Sugarcube - I Want It!!!

At the NY Audio Show this past weekend, I got to see and hear the demo of the Sweet Vinyl Sugarcube.  This PC-based stand alone unit is amazing.  Here is what it does:

1.  De-clicks vinyl - and does so completely transparently, and is user-adjustable (more or less filtering of clicks and pops). 

2.  Digitizes vinyl - MP3 through 24/192 resolution.

3.  Locates metadata for LPs being played/digitized, including cover art

4.  Inserts track divisions based on the metadata (wow!).

5.  Compensates for non-RIAA recordings

6.  Plug in apps will do even more, like reducing groove noise.

It inserts in a line-level loop or between your phono preamp and preamp.  It has digital (S/PDIF and USB) outputs as well as analog outputs.

Projected retail is $2500, and they plan a kickstarter campaign soon.

If you spend time digitizing vinyl, this thing is nothing short of a miracle.  I want one so badly I can taste it.

(I am not associated with Sweet Vinyl in any way.)

@bondmanp I listened to the SC1 at AXPONA and am impressed enough by the product to endorse it. 
@bondmanp was the SC-2 updated this week?  i notice some features look different.  if so, what were they?  thanks 
@mjb87062017 - Sorry, I have been travelling for a few weeks.  Also, as usual, after a few plane flights, I can't hear a blessed thing.  When I finish unpacking and my hearing returns, I will check this out and report back.
OK - latest software update for the SC-2 was installed last night.  Mostly cosmetic differences, but, the transient clicks between tracks, a persistent bug, has been resolved!  This is pretty big.  The only other major hurdle remaining in the SC-2 software is the ability to record directly to a networked server.  I work around this by dragging and dropping from the thumb drive to the network drive of my server.  A little clunky, but not terrible.  I am making some excellent needle-drop recordings now at 96/24 FLAC.
Long time no post. The SC-2 has actually been discontinued by Sweetvinyl. It will soon be replaced by the SC-2+. The main difference is the inclusion of the surface noise processing, with will reduce surface noise by 8 dB. This is big, since, as I have mentioned, when the pops and clicks are removed, the surface noise is much more noticeable, having been previously masked by the pops and clicks. Fortunately, early beta units like mine will be eligible for a hardware upgrade to + status. I plan on jumping on this as soon as it’s available.

Meanwhile, I continue to make excellent needle drops at 96/24 with my SC-2. There are occasional glitches, usually following a software update, but they either self-resolve after a few reboots or the Sweetvinyl folks fix it in the next software upgrade.

Before the SC-2+ leaves beta, the web-based GUI will be replaced with a downloadable software interface. That will be another improvement.

If you have any questions, post away.