What is a lowball offer? How low is low?

Recently I was looking at 2 -3 preamps. One was particularly interesting which was a Conrad Johnson 16LS2. The asking price was $3500. I have always wanted the 16LS2. But it was out of my price range. I couldn't make a serious offer. So I didn't and moved on. A few days later I see that it has sold for $2500! What? That was in my budget. But I would have considered that more an insult than a offer. And because I didn't want to insult the seller, I lost a good preamp to someone who was willing to take the chance. So what is the lesson learned here? Apparently I should insult more sellers . The seller wasn't insulted after all. he sold it for $2500. Or is the lesson that I take this stuff too seriously?Should sellers be insulted when offered 50% of their price?  I had thought that 10-15% below the asking price was a realistic offer. Now I'm not sure. So what do you consider a low ball offer? And please, I understand that a product is worth what someone is willing to pay. So no economic lessons please
Just offer what you feel you want to offer. A lot of people want things, but very few actually write a check, so anyone who is actually willing to come up with the $$ right now is a valuable commodity. I was once really lowballed on an item and I called their bluff - I said that I will accept if they PP me the money within an hour. Never heard from them again.
There are a lot of game players, but you have every right to offer what you want, as long as you’re actually willing to pull the trigger. IMO.
I get lowball offers when I list items, and just decline the offer. No big deal.

I stopped doing buy in now on my ads. I had some flakes hit the buy it now and then not buy.
I think that "low" is a relative term....if a generally well thought of piece is being offered for 50-60% of its retail value...that offer price seems reasonable and a counter offer for 50% is probably lowball and won't be taken seriously.

If the piece is being offered for 80% of retail, and its not some unique piece like a Philharmonic BMR, then the asking price is unreasonable and offering 50% is probably not unreasonable.

Also, I think that it is sometimes how you say it....example:  you are asking $2000, I'm offering $1000 take it or leave it.....vs... you are asking $2000, I'd really like to buy it, the best I can offer is $1000 which I know is low...if for some reason no one buys it and you can get closer to $1000, I'd appreciate a message.  They same the same thing but the level of respect is different.