What is a lowball offer? How low is low?

Recently I was looking at 2 -3 preamps. One was particularly interesting which was a Conrad Johnson 16LS2. The asking price was $3500. I have always wanted the 16LS2. But it was out of my price range. I couldn't make a serious offer. So I didn't and moved on. A few days later I see that it has sold for $2500! What? That was in my budget. But I would have considered that more an insult than a offer. And because I didn't want to insult the seller, I lost a good preamp to someone who was willing to take the chance. So what is the lesson learned here? Apparently I should insult more sellers . The seller wasn't insulted after all. he sold it for $2500. Or is the lesson that I take this stuff too seriously?Should sellers be insulted when offered 50% of their price?  I had thought that 10-15% below the asking price was a realistic offer. Now I'm not sure. So what do you consider a low ball offer? And please, I understand that a product is worth what someone is willing to pay. So no economic lessons please
Begin the process by expressing to the seller how much you appreciate the opportunity to buy said product. That while you don't want to offend the seller, you do want everyone to feel good in the end. The make a reasonable offer.
Low is low when a Chinese guy from Las Vegas offers you 800 bucks on a item that your selling for 2500 !

Low is low when a Chinese guy from Las Vegas offers you 800 bucks on a item that your selling for 2500 !"

Are you a Jew who is asking too much???????