Best Headphone under 1k$?

I had enjoyed using SoundMAGIC E11C while out of town for 3 weeks on May.

But I also got HIFIMAN SUNDARA from Amazon 10 days ago to compare it with SoundMAGIC E11C .

Although I will keep SoundMAGIC E11C for travel, I enjoy the sound from HIFIMAN SUNDARA much better.
It sound open and balanced.
I use Chord Dave to drive it.

Now my question is whether there is any headphone under 1k$ which will sound significantly better than HIFIMAN SUNDARA.
I wish to get transparent and open sound out of it with just enough tight bass.
Of course, if it provides wide and deep soundstage, it will be better.
I do not wish to get bright sound.

Can anyone recommend best headphone under 1K$?
thanks in advance
You can ask in reddit/r/headphones

There are a few cans that  could give the Sundara a match but in the end it is a lot up to taste.
Making progress in burn in of my HiFiMan RE-600S V2 earbuds. Sounds more open today and more musical but still no bass and sound is quite synthetic and tinny. But it’s better than a couple days ago. Kraftwerk sounds super duper. I’m getting the feeling that the reviewer was probably correct, that this is going to take 300 hours.
"Kraftwerk sounds super duper."
Did you ever doubt it? You do not need some fancy earphones to figure that out.
HiFiman Sundara with Galaxy Note 4 using Amazon Prime service sounds so musical that I am astonished.

Of course, my main system sounds more analytical with clear and 3D soundstage and deeper bass slam.

But during summertime, I am trying headphone with windows open.

Fortunately, I can live happily without air conditioning at my house in Pacific Northwest.

Now I had realized that audiophiles including me tend to spend too much money on audio components.

Combination of Sundara and Note 4 cost me 600$.

Although I like the sound from Sundara, I had given up RE800S since it sounds too bright with Dave.

Since I prefer earphone to headphone for personal reason, I had placed an order for Periodic Audio Be earphone.