Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
thanks Tom.  "drank the kool-aid".   what a bunch of morons.  I am glad the Gary is doing well at Bryston as i do have good memories of him. 
There were knowledgeable insiders and observers who collectively judged the new ownership's approach to be built on "appalling arrogance and ignorance".

In times of change, some people go where the wind blows to keep their jobs and carry on how best they might. Thiel employees were unusually principled. Most stated their principles and committments and parted ways. Rob found a way through the maze to carry on well by remaining conscientious without addressing policy. Most of the Real Deal Thiel Team evaporated before the Lexington factory went in the dumpster. None made the move to Nashville. The Thiel Audio we knew was over within the first year - 2013 - which is getting to be a long time ago.

Did Gary have anything to do with the development of the Bryston speakers?   I wondered when I saw him in that September 2013 video, as he mentioned Jim Tanner's desire to develop a speaker line for Bryston.

 It's nice to know Gary was in on the development of the 2.7s (my primary speakers!)

BTW: My call sign, brayeagle, was meant to be grayeagle (Air Force career) but somehow was entered as brayeagle.  My son often asks me if someone in the head shed thought I was a cross between a donkey and a buzzard,. 

When New Thiel took the reins, Gary held out for Phase Coherence in the new products. He was over-ridden by the New Team, including Steve DeFuria and Bob Brown who had been long-term Thiel supporters and associates. They said that Gary had "drunk the kool-aid". Gary left New Thiel when Mark Mason decided to pursue Canadian-type, non-coherent designs.
I've written this before but it's a cryin' shame that New Thiel completely abandoned Jim Thiel's design principles. At that point, why even keep the name?

Meanwhile, I'm still happily drunk on the kool-aid of my upgraded 2.4s. Last night, I yet again found myself locking into the music (16/44 Mary Gauthier via Qobuz) despite having my attention elsewhere.