Buyer is claiming damage that was done by him!

Hi group,
I sold a pair of mint Harbeths. I shipped them in original double boxed carton with original bonnets covering them. I just received this EMAIL from the buyer. I know that many ruin these speakers trying to pry  the magnetic grills off incorrectly. What is my recourse with this issue?
Thanks  much for your input!

This is the EMAIL I received from the buyer!

Hi. I picked up the speakers from FedEx yesterday. They arrived with some minor dents around the front top corners near the grille on both speakers. When I opened the outer box, I've noticed that one side of the inner box wasn't sealed on top and as a result the speakers came out of the top foam speaker holder. I guess the damage occurred from speakers bumping against each other. The grill cloth is also ripped near the dents. I've sent an email to Harbeth asking how much replacement grills are going to cost. I could probably live with those dents but grills might be replaced at some point. I'm still waiting on my amp to come back from service, so I have not even plugged the speakers in yet. Hopefully the drivers are ok.    
More curious than anything but I did ask earlier if the buyer had good feedback prior to this sale.

Does not change the events but just curious.

And we all make mistakes, it's the subsequent actions that count.
Since I manufacturer audio components, this stuff does happen.  I had tubes in original boxes wrapped in bubble wrap that were placed within the audio chassis so not much room to bounce around.  One tube was shattered and the other was blown (looks like the gas leaked out).  $300 down the drain.The exterior box had no visible damage at all.

I doubt the buyer did all that damage but what do I know.

Good luck.
The seller sent me pictures and the grills are ripped  and the wood is chipped on the top corners of both speakers. It looks like all the other Harbeths that I have seen when the grills were removed improperly.
He is going to get a price on new grills and let me know what they will cost.
It looks like he got me by the ole short hairs!

Instead of taking a whole loss why can’t you give the buyer little discount to see if he’s going to keep them?