Best budget streamer on the market now?

I know there have been lots of threads around this subject but the market moves forward very quickly on this tech so....

Using Google Chromecast Audio right now for my two older systems and while I do not have a problem with the units themselves the control app, BubbleupNp leaves something to be desired constantly crashing on my android phone.
Now maybe someone knows of a better more stable app for starters?

Failing that all I need is the ability to connect wirelessly to my home network ( has to be able to connect to Qobuz!) and be able to send an analog out signal via stereo rca ( my older system integrateds do not have any other options).
No other features required.

Thank you.
The ProJect S2 DAC does have a different DAC chip set and does full MQA. Better, is debatable. Different, yes. Streaming via the Node 2i even if you hand over another $400 or so to your dealer, does preserve the good user interface.
If you simply want to give another Android controller app a shot, I found that Hi-fi Cast was a better solution with Chromecast than was BubbleUPnP.  It quickly finds both servers and players and has a reasonably attractive interface.  Just a few bucks to upgrade to premium version.
Thx Mike
I will check that out as yes the Chromecast units themselves are fine just Bubbleupnp giving me fits.
I second the recommendation for the nodke 2i. I have 2 of them and it is stupid GOOD! And, fwiw, it also does MQA.
My other equipment: Modwright LS-100 pre, Krell kav-2250 amp, Legacy Focus 20/20 speakers.
Good Listening! 
Hi-fi cast installed and now will be a case of seeing how it performs over time.

Instantly saw both Chromecast units, my Ayre EX8, my PC NAS and my iPad.
Awesome sauce on that score!