Has anyone heard FM Acoustics

I have been told by a couple of Audiophiles that the FM Acoustics amplifiers were incredibly good and very expensive. Has anyone had hand-on experiences with these amplifiers? The amp I have heard of most is the Resolution 811. Would this venerable amp still approach the state of the art for solid state?
Has anyone listened to the Mk iii versions of either the 411 or 711? Not much out there on them, due to the prices, no doubt...
Wondering if they break free from the SS mantra of being fatiguing.
If you could choose between FM Acoustics and Soultuion, which would you choose?
Like Soulution : clinical gear for techies.
Not musical for a bit.
I'll stay with my Zanden gear, thank you.

Anybody knows how good or bad the Chinese copies are compared to FM originals?