USB Cable Comparison Audience / Cardas / Purist / Stealth / Wireworld

I've been meaning to share my findings and impressions from a recent six cable comparison of USB cables.

What follows is a 'work in progress draft' that I will be finalizing and posting on a blogging site.

Getting this posted is a way of lighting a fire under myself so I get the write-up finalized. And to keep my promise to share my findings with a number of Audiogoners.

What is posted is the first phase of the 'shoot-out' involving four cables.

Please note:

- This is not finalized and I will be making edits, and adding information, etc.

- This is the first phase of the comparison.

- The second phase will be posted soon.
Thank you for the info. I spoke to Mr. Goran Vukmanovic as well, there are two versions of Callisto USB cable, with or without 5V rail. 

You can have this cable in 1.0M or 1.3M lengths for CHF874.00 / delivered. 
@respected_ent  @lalitk  Thanks for the additional information. Are you ordering?
The Final touch audio -Callisto cables a Lampizator US distributor 
carriesthese incredible USB cables. I owned the curious, AQ Diamond Wireworld Platinum7 , theCallisto is in another league 
the wire world has verygood detail but doesnot gave the realism 
huge deep soundstage the Callisto does. From what I did find out 
the designer sourses very high purity Copper but it must also have a specific minimum of Silver-and Gold in it, then it is hammered 
to specific shape ,then has its own dielectric and shield from the 5 v legg which is not disclosed . All these things is what seperate this usb cable from anyone else out there retail $850 sounds like a lot but is a bargain considering it has more impact then a decent component upgrade. Audio circle Lampizator has a page,
or look them up in the U.S they are in stock. Besides buying the a New Lampizator entry level Amber 3 , this cable is well beyond good ,as well as their interconnects which I donot own but saving for $1800.  Read the reviews ,then take the plunge you will be glad you did !!
Hey @david_ten ... For you, I would think the newer version SR Galileo SX is the obvious, safe choice. Galileo UEF is older version.

Also, I have heard some good impressions on the Shunyata Sigma line from people I respect, which is cheaper than SR Galileo SX:

Put it in your list