The Final touch audio -Callisto cables a Lampizator US distributor
carriesthese incredible USB cables. I owned the curious, AQ Diamond Wireworld Platinum7 , theCallisto is in another league
the wire world has verygood detail but doesnot gave the realism
huge deep soundstage the Callisto does. From what I did find out
the designer sourses very high purity Copper but it must also have a specific minimum of Silver-and Gold in it, then it is hammered
to specific shape ,then has its own dielectric and shield from the 5 v legg which is not disclosed . All these things is what seperate this usb cable from anyone else out there retail $850 sounds like a lot but is a bargain considering it has more impact then a decent component upgrade. Audio circle Lampizator has a page,
or look them up in the U.S they are in stock. Besides buying the a New Lampizator entry level Amber 3 , this cable is well beyond good ,as well as their interconnects which I donot own but saving for $1800. Read the reviews ,then take the plunge you will be glad you did !!