Cartridge Set Up Essentials

Just wondering what kit you consider "essential" for proper cartridge alignment for any/all turntables. What should every audiophile have on hand to be able to optimize cartridge set up regardless of turntable brand? For each piece of kit please comment on ease of use and consistency of results. For example, I purchased a MINT Tractor many years ago to use with my VPI Scout and found it very difficult to use--lots of eye strain and uncertain outcomes. Let's hear it!
Did own MINT and threw it away. SMARtractor is pretty good.
Also Dennesen Protractor.
Dr. Feickert latest protractor, nothing else. This is a tool for every tonearm and every cartridge/turntable with all 3 alignment method on it to choose one you like. The most important: it have precise pivot to spindle ruler. It's German quality and not so expensive, some others cost more. The best way is to buy used Feickert if the price for a new is too much for you. 

Then a Hi-Fi Test LP and Cardas Frequency Sweep LP. 

Ortofon DS-1 digital scale

Good light and good tools 

I don't need anything else
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jtimothya, you do not do yourself a favor when you use terms like, "sonically astonishing." The difference between "Power On" and "Power Off" is "sonically astonishing." A degree or two of arc is not. I am sorry that you spent so much on the Feickert but the DB systems protractor is less than 1/2 the price and twice as accurate because due to it's geometry it magnifies the error allowing you to see it easier. It is a little finicky to use but once you get the hang of it it works brilliantly and on any tonearm and cartridge. The trick with the "landing spot" is to use an awl and put a little indent in the circle to keep the stylus in place. Not to large or it will swallow the end of the cantilever. I also put a dab of low viscosity cyanoacrylate in the indent then quickly wipe it of which stabilizes the indent so it does not get progressively larger with use.