Ethernet or USB for Streaming

Hello, thanks for responding and Happy Holidays!

I have a question and am seeking opinions. I have a Cambridge Audio AZURE 851N Streamer/DAC and currently have a Studio subscription to QOBUZ. I can stream to the Cambridge either through the Cambridge Stream Magic Android App that uses the Ethernet connection, or I can stream from my PC using the Cambridge USB driver. Both methods can play back 24/192. My question is which connection is technically better? The Ethernet connect is a quality 10' CAT7 cable plugged directly into the back of my Gateway and a high quality USB cable plugged directly into the back of my PC/Server, the cable is 2 meters in length. When I listen and compare the two connection options, they sound slightly different but am a bit confused as to which one is better?  Your thoughts would greatly be appreciated.

This recommendation is from Kevalin Audio:

I have not used it, as of this time.

Going with a "medical grade" isolator will cost more, but offers better performance.

There are a number of "audiophile" isolators and filters available...cost is generally higher.

Perhaps others can offer suggestions based their experience.

As david_ten suggested, bypassing PC/USB should yield better sound from Azur 851N. I would insert a net isolator in-between 851N and your Gateway.  Use a Supra CAT8 on the other end of Isolator, straight into 851N.

I am using a very similar net isolator and they seems to lower noise. By lowering noise you will hear finer details in your music. 
Thanks to all for the responses, I will follow the links and see if I can better educate myself.

All the best!