Moving up from a Node 2i

I want to keep it between 1K and 1500.00, closer to a grand if at all possible. I don't care about onboard DACs, since I have a keen liking for mine. What is out there for a streamer, new or used, that will sound better than the Node when outputting to an external DAC? I like the functionality of the Node, don't want something with a sketchy user interface. But honestly, I think my old Allo Digione (Raspberry Pi) might have sounded a little more organic and fleshed out than the Node.

What say ye, Audiogon?


Dang, this is all very bad news!  I've been using my Vault running to my external DAC, and like a lot of people was under the impression that it was just ones and zeroes as well!  Ozzy, thanks for asking the question, and I'm eager to see how this plays out for you.
I doubt changing from that to any other good quality streamer alone will make much if any difference in sound streaming at the same (CD) resolution. The dac used is the key. I would not change streamers unless another had unique features that appeal to you and not with expectation another will have inherent better sound quality.
I’ve used many streamers over the year’s with external DACs and do not hear any significant or bankable differences between streamers to same DAC.

To those who say the streamer shouldn’t make any difference, I would suggest you try one.  I noticed a very substantial improvement in sound going from a Node 2 into an outboard DAC and upgrading to an Aurender N100.  And, again when I employed an Auralic Aries G2 in another system as an upgrade over a Node 2. It’s a very noticeable improvement.  I would suggest as important as the DAC.  
I never said it can't make a difference just that I have not heard a significant difference so far whereas no two DACs I hear sound the same. 

It certainly can sound different, especially if a device is poorly designed or not in good working order.   However my experience has been most popular streamers in the last 10'years or so tend to work well.  I'm sure there are some duds out there but I doubt Bluesound is one.