Noise reduction -why the rage now ?

Is it better science ? Or more needed today with the ’surge’ of switching power supplies, smart phones and Wi-Fi routers ? Then, higher-frequencies in digital interfaces -now megahertz and gigahertz.

The problem with the "needed more today" theory is that one, listeners are hearing things they never heard before. One report is from Paul of PS Audio (on his blog) stating that a 4K power cord transformed his system. Yet he sells a Power Plant.

Two, many reports of lower noise (in the last 10 years) were in systems with linear power supplies, not switch-mode.

Three, for digital, many people were using AES/EBU or i-squared interfaces. These don’t have the noise concerns of USB.

Fourth, many people listen at night. They know better, due to the problems of a noisy day-grid.

Yet, there it is -large gains from the latest power conditioners, ground blocks and after-market power cords. To me, today’s science is much better at doing this. Along with the "need today".
I don’t think SMPS are noisy, today. In the past, we had poorly-designed ones (in high-end audio) and I’m sure of that.

Most co. still use LPS, at least with line-level components. They use cutting-edge regulators (like Hynes) and are a success.

So, if all PS’s are quieter today, where is all the noise (that is audibly reduced with conditioners, etc) coming from ? According to Shunyata Co., most of the noise was coming from our components, not the grid. Are they right ?

Some noise might be originating at home (computers, dimmers, electronics, appliances, WiFi etc.) and some is coming from the outside on power lines, from cell towers and radio stations.  Many years ago I had loud noise coming from my TV (that was in standby) resembling police communication.  Every time it happened big grey unmarked car with a lot of antennas was passing by.  His radio was likely out of wack polluting airways.  

You mentioned better results when listening at night.  In part it might be due to FCC regulation that requires radio stations to lower power at about 6PM, since signal propagation improves at night.

Would LOVE to know what percent of noise is coming from::

Our playback gear
DC motors, dimmers, WiFi in our house
The grid - neighborhood noise, radio stations, etc.

THEN to know how much total noise (in db) there is...
My own experiments without being able to measure scientifically but only with my ears reveal to me that the negative impact of the different noises pollution sources, is absolutely stupendous...Impossible to overestimate the impact...

No upgrade can gives to you what decreasing the noise floor will give and manifest through an audio system at any price : pure musicality for the first time....
It is important for me to know the noise at both ends of the PS. 

That is, great that noise inside an amp is -130dB, but if it's emitting noise back to the AC, or noise that can be radiated from power cord to interconnects that's not ideal.  I worry about this most with things like network devices and streamers. 
