Innuos - New Re-Clocker

Heard Innuos was launching a Re-Clocker.  Anyone have details on the specs and performance?
@dpac996   Thank you! I'm also an Analysis Plus fan. Still use a couple of their power cables.

The AQ DragonFly is something. I have the Red. Once I get back into portable headphones, the Cobalt is a given.

Looking forward to your findings with the M Scaler in the chain.

Thank you for posting your results. I am not surprised by the outcome given your great system. I am staying put with my N10/EMM Labs DA2 combo 😊
Btw, I totally understand what @stevehuff is saying;
The way the improvement has been described (I read a ton about this reclocker) was what I heard massively on my Cobalt; I was super looking forward to a similar thing on the home system. I did hear that magic a bit on the InnuOs Zen and would have kept that if I was planning on Zen forever, but I just love the Aurender as is; it is a really great piece. I really like InnuOs and loved the zen for 5 months give or take.
If InnuOs released a variant with this reclocker circuit board stuffed inside it would be a class leader; They could still sell the standalone but for Pete’s sake they should stick it in the next Zen series and save us audiofools another usb cable, another power cable, another box.
peace all

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