Innuos - New Re-Clocker

Heard Innuos was launching a Re-Clocker.  Anyone have details on the specs and performance?
Some of it has to do with the DAC but in asynchronous mode it’s more of a push- pull. I am only a bit familiar with the DAC I have the Benchmark DAC3B it will follow sample rate changes. So in this case it would follow the Phoenix but only until it reaches the buffer, once there the DAC3B master clock takes it to send to the conversion subsystem it is the second asynchronous transfer that eliminates jitter in the transfer from USB to the conversion subsystem. In my case the Phoenix is just a worthless extra component reclocking data from the streamer to simply be reclocked by the Benchmark, other DACs might do it different. 
whelp the internet sure is a dandy thing

looks like that’s exactly what Innuos did; They pulled the USB signal off the PC motherboard and piped it over to the reclocker;

~14K is a lot of scratch for power supplies, a small form factor computer, ssd's, teac optical drive, and spiffy cases; SHEESH!

I'm sorry, I'm sure it is covered, but the PhoenixUSB is USB in as well as USB out?

Am I understanding that correctly??
the Phoenix device from InnuOs is a USB reclocker; So yes, USB in and out; No other interface. No DAC.
When it is in the path, the only thing the HOST registers is the enumerated DAC; 

No one answered the question of whether a Phoenix has any effect on a DAC implemented with asynchronous USB.  How could it since the DAC is supplying the clock?