Innuos - New Re-Clocker

Heard Innuos was launching a Re-Clocker.  Anyone have details on the specs and performance?

Good call, looking forward to your findings with Phoenix re-clocker! 
in_shore that is the best method; Analysis paralysis can stifle progression, 
Let us know your findings;

Right on , I just put a deposit down on the Zenith 3 which I’ll take delivery next week and I’ll arrange to take home the Phoenix . I’m also arranging to borrow a AudioByte USB Hydra-Z with power supplies and I’m going to compare them including one other USB re-clocker from China , Matrix Audio I’ve never heard of it however apparently it’s been popular among some .
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Djones I believe it is the Matrix X-Spdif 2 ,I’m borrowing it ,  his email reads Matrix Audio 2 with I2s out .
Though I fully believe the Matrix Audio will be severely disadvantaged wth comparisons to the AudioByte and Innuos I’m just curious about its performance along with the owner of the Matrix, a computer audio guy .