About to audition Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand Reference - advice?

I have been listening to Aerial Acoustics 7Bs ( 86 dB sensitivity) for nearly 20 years.  About to audition the VA Beethoven Grand Reference.  90 dB sensitivity.  $12k.  I have a Balanced Audio Technology VK75SE - 75 watts.  700 Joules of power.
Question #1: I always felt the Aerials were under powered.  I'm going to hear the VA BGR with a Pass amp -- not tubes.  Does anyone have any LISTENING experience with this new speaker using 75 watts of tube power?
Question #2: Suggestions for speakers in the $8-12K range ... good for full orchestra (think Mahler 5th), jazz (HHancock, Miles, FHubbard etc), female vocals and 70s rock (Zep, AC/DC, Neil, Yes, Genesis).  Aesthetics are VERY important.  And space is an issue, so no large panels.

Hi All
Thanks for the suggestions. Sorry I didn't get back to you.  Just been overwhelmed.

Theo and gregm,
I've listened to the Focals -- several. And liked them.  The huge monitors are amazing. And several Wilsons (which I did not like -- too clinical.)  
I loved the 7Bs...but they were showing their age every time I listened to new speakers. Not fast, and low sensitivity for my amp. The finish is still mint. I moved them to my second system - Spectral amp and pre. Now they growl! I removed the SUB. No longer needed. They were starved for current -- not just watts. And they are in a smaller room.

I was able to spend half a day in Philly on 3/13 and listened to the Viennas.  Loved them.  Bought them.  Had them delivered by mask-wearing folks a few days later.  Thrilled I have them now.  Whenever I think the amp or speakers are bass shy, I put on some Micky Hart and quickly realize the recording I was listening to lacks bass.  These (not) babies ROCK.  Scared me a few times on AC/DC.  And Mahler!   The change in sensitivity is significant.  No bi-wire option, but seems OK.  I've got Van Den Hul cables on loan...for a while it appears.  Not sure I love them.  I've heard better from AQ.  Thoughts on that front?

I really do wonder how much of an improvement the new Reference line is over the previous models.  For comparison, you can get a used Liszt for considerably less than the new price of the Concern Grand.  Hmmm.
Thanks all for the suggestions.  I failed to add that the aesthetics of the speaker is extremely important.  I can't live with Focals or Wilsons.  Or the VA Liszt or a few others.  They sit in a semi-formal living room.  And the VA Beethoven Grand Reference is like a twin to the Aerial 7B.  It sounds great and looks great.  Now I just have to get the speaker cables right.
