What kind of listener are you?

I'm an All-Arounder: Equal parts Analytical, Thrill, and Feeling. Push comes to shove feeling matters most, but they are all very close to equally important to me. 

This is a very useful breakdown of a very complex subject, listening. How we listen to and evaluate components and systems. 

What kind of listener are you?
What kind of listener are you? I'm an All-Arounder: Equal parts Analytical, Thrill, and Feeling  ... This is a very useful breakdown of a very complex subject, listening.
I don't think the subject is complex at all. On the contrary, I think the practice of listening is quite simple indeed. 
Before auditioning a speaker at one of the dealers I visited in my search for a new pair of speakers, the salesman asked me if I preferred "analytic" or "musical" speakers. For me the choice was "musical"

Dealers approaches are all over the map. Given those options I would probably make the same choice, even though musical to me is a movie with a lot of songs in it.

I don't judge components or systems on a Musical or Analytic scale.  To me, it's simply a question of what sounds more real.  In other words, everything matters.