Vintage Mitsubishi / MGA Separates question

I am curious to know why there is so little love for Mitsubishi / M G A  on this  audio forum.
 I have :
Pre-amp model # DAP 600 
 TUNER model #  DAF 600
CASSETTE DECK model #  DT 4550
These sound surprisingly good.....Does anyone own these models ?
Opinions  please.

Roberjerman , thanks for your response ...
I am very happy with the sound as are you...and would like to ask another question:
The brand MGA Mitsubishi mean lower end ?
thanks to all for your responses !
I am not familiar with the MGA brand - but I assume it was Mitsubishi's lower-tier line at lower cost. A need for that because the upper-tier gear was quite pricey for the time (mid-to-late '70s).
@islandmandan : that was the separate preamp and power amp - which I have! The two fitted together but could be used and sold individually. There was also a separate preamp/tuner available, along with the AM/FM tuners. The power amp came in two models - 100wpc and 150wpc (this I have). Excellent gear for the price then - about $450 each in 1977-78! I worked at a high-end store in CT that carried the line, including the speakers.

The store I worked at (Audiocom) didn't carry the lower-tier MGA line, but it could be ordered from the importer.
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