Does high end system with dedicated circuits need grounding products


I believe a high end system even with dedicated circuits benefits from improved cabling and fuses.

I am wondering though if most people here feel.additional benefit from after market grounding product like Synergistic Research active grounding block se.

I like SR products so if you feel its snake oil please start your own thread.

I am interested in those that have experiences in their own system with after market grounding products like SR or others especially in a high end system.

I get if no dedicated circuit or if use inn room where TV or computer but if dedicated and no pc in room nor TV with high end equipment bit skeptical the grounding aspect would make much difference though I get the SR active grounding products contain other features. 
I have the SR active ground block with the better ground wires and orange fuse.  I also have the 12-outlet power conditioner UEF-SE and a black outlet. I have a dedicated 8 GA wire line. Like Tom said, your mileage may vary. In terms of improvement, the conditioner has the better ROI, followed by the dedicated line. Cannot say much about the orange fuse in it as I have not tried swapping it. The active ground block is the least as far as return on investment is concerned. This is in my system, might be different in another one. Hope that helps. 
I just installed the Nordost QX4 and QBase 8 and am very happy with it. It made a noticeable improvement in my sound
I also have Frey 2 power cables throughout my system. Quality power cables make a significant difference as well. My experience has been that consistent power cables and interconnects help balance the system. Obviously power conditioning plays a big part. Since going to complete Nordost cabling in my system, along with their power conditioning QX4 I have witnessed a smoother deeper sound. Hope that helps 
The better the grounding schemes of the individual components in your system (and assuming your house wiring is to code), the more you will find that such grounding boxes have less effect if any at all.

A properly grounded bit of audio electronics will have its chassis grounded by the AC cord, but its electronics will not be tied directly to that chassis. In this way the chassis can provide shielding without opening the component to ground loops. The sound is more 3D and the background noise lower, as compared the same circuit that lacks proper grounding.
I went to AXPONA in 2018 and heard a demo of an Ansuz power distributor/grounding gizmo. It was their top end model and cost $20k but I don't remember the model number. IIRC one of the main features of the thing was that it acted as a star grounding system. The system consisted of Raidho speakers and Ansuz amplification. They compared the system with a high quality power strip (I don't remember which brand) and then they unplugged everything and replugged all the components into the Ansuz unit.

Before I go any further I should let you know that my bias is toward skepticism regarding tweaks like this. Turns out that this little demo changed my mind about this type of product. There was an unmistakable difference with and without the Ansuz - the Ansuz was quieter and the backgrounds were "blacker." I don't poo poo this stuff anymore.

It could be that the power in the hotel was awful and that any good power conditioner/filter would have helped. I also would not spend $20k for such a thing because I would upgrade several other components first. But I have to admit that it made a demonstrable difference and if I had a mid 6 figure system I would seriously consider  buying it.

One more note regarding dedicated outlets. One of the main reasons to install 1 or more dedicated outlets is to prevent voltage sag which can definitely affect how your components perform. If your amp draws a lot of power and your other gear is on the same circuit the voltage will sag considerably, especially if the circuit is a typical 15 amp line. Even having a 20 amp circuit to run everything is a benefit because the 20 amp circuit uses larger gauge wire from your panel box. In my previous house I installed 2 dedicated 20 amp circuits in my listening room - one for my Krell amp and one for everything else. I had good quality power and my voltage never dropped below 120 on either line.