to my ears digital audio does not sound natural? something is wrong!

lf Digital audio is man made how can I expect the brain to recognize it as natural sounding?

lf I re-encode digital audio with the earths natural frequencies will the brain now recognize it as a natural source allowing the digital audio to harmonize with my brain creating an entirely new listening experience?

This might sound crazy however it sounds perfectly logical to me so i went to the park at 3am to record the frequencies of nature using the built in mic on my cheap mp3 player in wav 16/44 and uploaded the wav file to my pc and while the file from the park was playing on my windows media player i made a simple copy of a commercial digital album flac 16/44 on my desktop and here are the results using the same audio source.

commercial release flac 16/44

commercial release  with earth frequencies

lt may be the placebo effect and i'm hearing what i want to hear however i think the music is now in harmony with my ears?

It's not only dependent on the equipment playing back the recording, but it's dependent on the quality of the recording itself.  As more and more recordings are being produced in home recording studios, the quality of recordings is generally suffering.  To make a good recording, it takes a combination of technical expertise, artistic skill, and an understanding of the genre of music and what is most suitable for that genre/style.
Sam here again and i'm not talking about the difference between digital and vinyl and it doesn't matter if your listening to an mp3 player or a $25000 turntable with the finest vintage tubes the sound i'm talking about can not be achieved with man made equipment? 99% of music is recorded on musical instuments tuned to standard 440hz this frequency is out of tune with the brain and by replacing 440hz with a frequency that is in tune with the brain the music is now in harmony with the brain creating a new listening experience that you hear and feel.
440 tuning is just right for me. Even being a little flat is fine too. Just as long as all is in tune to each other. Maybe your brain just doesn’t like music.