Who says cables don't make a difference?

Funny, after all these years, people still say things like "you wasted all that money on cables". 
There are still those who believe cables don't make a difference.
I once did marketing for a cable line I consider to be about the best-Stealth Audio Cables. 
One CES, I walked the rooms with the designer/owner, Serguei Timachev. He carried a pair of his then new Indra interconnects. Going from room to room he asked the room runners to replace their source to preamp IC with the Indra. There was not one that was not completely flabbergasted and said that the Indras blew away what they were using. That was the skyrocketing of Indra and Stealth. The Indra became one of the best reviewed cables ever.
Serguei now makes the Sakra-an IC that blows away the Indra!
I don't understand why some still do not value cables as much as I.

I think that paying a premium for cables (after auditioning in your system) makes sense if you have a good system. For someone who has invested in a good system, the cost of an incremental improvement makes sense.

I have a pretty good system, Harbeth Anniversary 30.2s, Line Magnetic 845 Premium, Feikert Woodpecker with Koetsu Black Gold Line cart, Audio Research PH9 phono stage, Gold Note DS-10 streamer. I auditioned some Nordhost Frey2s and hoped they would not make a noticeable improvement. Unfortunately, they did. I bought them. Music sounds better. My wallet is lighter. I try not to think about it.

I couldn't put in a dedicated 20 amp line, so I auditioned some conditioners and power cords. I got an Isotek EVO3 Aquarius power conditioner and a bunch of EVO3 Optimum power cords. They made a difference, sounded better to my ears. Nordost sounded a bit better, but they are really pricey.

I've used different speaker cables in different systems. One of the best sounding systems I've had used a 5 watt per channel SET amp, a pair of speakers no one has ever heard of, and the Mapleshade Double Helix Plus speaker wire. They worked very well together. In that system, the Mapleshades sounded better than any other speaker wire I had at that time for comparison.

Anyway, trust your ears, and weigh your purse.

BTW, The reason I recommended a "pro-audio" site for you is so you'd be able to flash your credentials around (& undoubtedly impress the heck out them), slap each other on the back about how good Belden cable is, & would never have to use your ears.

Perfect fit.

I'll always have your best interest in mind david
I have a few SET amps as well. Don't use them anymore due to my speakers, but still can't bring myself to selling them. You're right, there is magic their.